0208 331 5941
Your local, friendly home computer help experts
    Whatever your problem we are here to help so please give us a call. Here are just some of the services that we offer...
  • Wireless networks setup and problems fixed
  • Broadband & Email installed and configured
  • Virus & spyware infections removed - permanently
  • Diagnose slow broadband connections
  • Printers and scanners set up and configured
  • All PC software issues resolved
  • PC repairs and upgrades
  • Data backup solutions
  • All Windows® systems covered
  • Cameras, MP3, mobile devices configured
  • New to computers? New PC’s setup and tuition given to help get you started.

All our services can be delivered in your own home at a time that is convenient to you. This means you don’t have disconnect all your computer equipment and transport it to a shop. We offer a no fix no fee policy. In the unlikely event we cannot fix your computer there will be no charge. There is no call out charge and if the problem is more complex we also offer a pick up and return service at no extra cost where we can complete the work at our workshop at a lower price than our onsite charges. (Please see our charges on the prices page). We also can offer an appointment to within the hour at a time that convenient to you unlike other companies who only offer all day appointments which means waiting in all day.